Say No To War
BJP–India's ruling party– clamors for war with Pakistan. Glorifying war has exposed the jingoistic approach of of Modi regime. Modi's government is making lofty claims given the time of general elections in India. Anti Pakistan narrative may bring him electoral success. Power thirsty BJP vowes to isolate Pakistan and cripple her economy. In the wake of Pulwama attack, different school of thoughts have been demanding for peace and war. They ought to understand the importance of self interest in global politics. Talking about moral values is not a bad thing to highlight. War causes destruction is an understood fact. As Ernest Hemingway writes in A Farewell to Arms "there is nothing as bad as war. " War has no end once it gets started. On the contrary, there is nothing as good as peace and stability. Society having pacifist and sane mindset prospers at good rate. However good peace is, pragmatic approach asks for adopting a totally different approach.
Here comes the all important factor of foreign policy :self interest. Modi's interest lies in rising tension and escalation between neighboring arch rivals. Given the time of general elections in india, keeping in view Machiavellian perspective, it is not a bad move. BJP is struggling to regain power; Pulwama attack may be a straw for drowning BJP. Pakistan's approach is crystal clear and sane. provide the evidence and strict action will be taken at the drop of a hat. On the contrary, any military action from India will be retaliated. Pakistan's interest lies in peace, stability, continuity of policies and good geopolitical relations with all the neighbors. A new regime has just come to power in Pakistan so its interest does not lie in war and escalation.
Writer's subjective views: Both countries need to understand the fact that war is destruction while peace leads to prosperity and economic growth. No matter how much interest one has in war, pacifism and sanity have no alternative. Let peace prevail.
Written by Muhammad Abdul Muqset
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